Toplam Sayfa Görüntüleme Sayısı

26 Ekim 2010 Salı

TV: The Plug-in Drug

Television viewing has become an inevitable and ordinary part of daily life. In those early days writers frequently discussed the effects of television on family life. However, acurious myopia afflicted those early observes: almost without exception they regarded television as a favorable, beneficial, indeed, wondrous influence upon the family. ' Television will take over your way of living and change your children's habits, but this change can be a wonderful improvement, ' clamis another comentator. Home and family life has changed in important ways since the advent of television. The peer group has become television-oriented, and much of the time children spend together is ocuupied by television viewing. Culture generally has been transformed by television. Mealtime rituals, going-to-bed rituals, illness rituals, holiday rituals, how many of these have survived the inroads of the television set? Now everyone was sitting in front of the television set, on a holiday, at a family party! Family relationships are going to be much harmful than today, if we will addicted to TV.

13 Ekim 2010 Çarşamba

Reality TV: a Dearth of Talent and the Death of Morality.

Salman Rushdie thinks that nowadays huge percent of spectators or viewers don't care images of the world's rich otherness and people's talents. TV programmes only based on the ratings and big-money incomes. Being famous and rich through TV programmes are become more important concepts in western society. After being famous and rich, media which make these people famous and rich, start to see these people as a gladiators in collesium. Then, these people start to fall like a stars and we want to find new subjects. Reality TV shows or other programmes like them don't give anything to us. We just waste our times for removing boredom.